

RTA riders asking why they were not informed about alleged sexual assault at E. 116th stop

Posted at 9:22 PM, Mar 02, 2017
and last updated 2017-03-03 10:31:10-05

After an alleged sexual assault, regular RTA riders are asking why they were not informed that a rape suspect was at large. 

According to court records, the incident happened on Feb. 20. The victim was forced “to perform oral sex on the suspect at the threat of being shot.” 

Riders like Antonessa Lee who use the stop every day told News 5 that passengers should have been notified. 

Nadia Foser, who is the same age as the victim, said she would have altered her route. 

News 5 reached out to the RTA on Wednesday after news of Delvonte Philpotts’ arrest. 

Philpotts was arraigned on felony rape charges Thursday morning. His case was bound over to Cuyahoga County. A no-contact order was issued and bond was set at $150,000. 

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