

Parma to re-open two pools, build new splash pad

Posted at 2:27 PM, Dec 18, 2015
and last updated 2015-12-18 18:08:12-05

Parma city officials announced Friday a proposal to build a new splash pad in Anthony Zielinski Park. An anonymous donation of $225,000 would fund the splash pad project.

The city also announced that two of the city's three pools, James Day and Walters Grove, will re-open in 2016.

The splash pad would replace Ridgewood Pool, which could not be re-opened because of the age and cost to repair the facility.

The splash pad would open in 2017.

"We've been working on this project for a few months, and I'm excited we're finally able to announce what would be a great, family-friendly addition to the recreational opportunities we already have here in Parma," said Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter.

The anonymous donor's gift is in memory of the donor's mother and father.